After careful consideration I have decided that I am going to make this month all about salary caps in professional sport. There are two main reasons for doing this:
1: Rugby League - I am, and always have been, a massive Rugby League fan. I was sceptical when the salary cap rule was brought in (20/20 rule, no more than 20 squad members on more than £20,000 a year) but in the subsequent years it has been a huge success. I want tosee if this is the case in other sports.
2: Footballer's Wages - If there is one subject likely to unite the British public it is that of the Premiership Footballer's salaries. I want to present a balanced argument on whether salary capping would be beneficial to all professional sports, including football.
I've had a look at some preliminary readings and I've selected a few texts to have a go at... I'm all ready to make me an expert on Salary Caps in Professional Sport...